High quality, robust, secure and reliable solutions
We provide customised, high secure, Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) and Broadband connectivity solutions for Governments, Semi-State bodies and SME’s in the EMEA region
In this case data would be disaggregated across data centres. These data centres would have energy storage capabilities and be connected to and communicate with a smart electricity grid powered by a combination of renewable energy and fossil fuels. AI and machine learning would ascertain which data centres were having issues with power and/or water or which were having connectivity problems. It would be a totally flexible system where communications lines, smart-grids, water systems, data centres and end devices/nodes would work in unison to process data and data would be routed to another centre if there was a problem with power, unfavourable weather, if it was being subjected to a cyber security attack or having a communications outage. Another area where this would be useful is to process data at a centre at off peak times where the load required would not be critical. Decentralised Edge/Modular data centres could also be used to keep data within country or regional boundaries, thus adhering to GDPR regulations and Data Protection legislation. Ideally these data centres would be located in smaller municipal districts, rural areas, smart rural regions and along the coast. With AI technology still maturing, modules from different hardware manufacturers and cloud providers, including start-ups could be combined and/or interchanged as it evolves. Both Open Source and Proprietary small language models (SLMs) that are application or regulation specific could be tested and improved on. The idea would be suitable where low latency and real-time communications are required. Mission-Critical applications and Internet of Things services and solutions come to mind. For example the technology could be used by the Emergency Services, First Responders, Civil Defence and for Telemedicine/Telehealth Applications, for Autonomous Driving, Remote Working, Smart-Agri, Manufacturing, by the Equine and Horse Racing Industry, Tourism, for Meteorology & Climate Change Research, the Utility & Renewable Energy sector, by Television & Media outlets for News and Events Coverage, for Drama & Film Production, Multi-Media Streaming, Music Concerts & Cultural Festivals and by Sports Bodies for live broadcasts.
An Emergency Services or Telemedicine/Telehealth Application could be used as a test case"
Please contact me on +353873221770 or by emailing: support@atlanticwireless.net for more information if you are interested.
Our Services
We operate in the M2M, IoT, Scada, Emergency Services and Business Broadband space across a wide range of industries. We focus on mission-critical & business-critical applications and deliver customised, high quality, robust, secure and reliable solutions to our customers. As every application is different we use a combination of wireless and fiber optic transmission methods to implement a solution. For example this could be a private 4G/5G cellular network, a licensed RF Point to Point solution with fail-over to cellular radio or vice-versa, Cellular with fail-over to Satellite. Fiber Optic with fail-over to Cellular, Satellite or RF Point to Point or vice-versa etc. Alternatively we may combine multiple transmission lines, both wireline and wireless, to enhance connectivity, conserve energy and improve security.
We also offer LoRaWAN communications solutions, a low power, license free technology to our customers. We work in conjunction with Actility, a French company who specialise in M2M/IoT Communications.
LoRaWAN is a license free technology that is a lower cost alternative to cellular IoT communications. It can be used to create a local standalone network or a large interlinked network covering hundredths of kilometers. Please contact us by phone or email to discuss any application you may have or if you are considering using a LoRaWAN solution.
Technical Support
For more information on this offer or any technical queries please contact us by phone or by emailing techsupport@atlanticwireless.net

Make the Connection. Choose the right Product.
All our wireless products are designed to cover a wide variety of applications, enabling data to be sent over various distances using many transmission methods.
We serve the following markets:
Smart-Grid/Electricity - Emergency Services - Telemedicine/Telehealth - Meteorology - Banking & Finance - News & Media Events - Television & Film Industry - Sports Broadcasting - Equine & Horse Racing Industry - Music Concerts & Cultural Festivals - Multi-Media Streaming - Tourism & Hospitality - Aviation & Transport - Renewable Energy - Oil and Gas - Manufacturing - Civil Engineering - Building Construction - Retail - SmartAgri - Environment - Marine - Research

We offer Pre-Sales Application Support - Product Recommendations - Site Surveying - Solution Design - Wireless Integration - Installations - After Sales Training - Technical Support
We choose the best technology depending on the type of application, geographical location, availability of power, signal coverage, security requirements and the regulatory environment being operated in.

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