Case Studies

The following case study was carried out to determine the suitability of using a Cellular Gateway and a GSM Sim card with a fixed IP address for sending data from a weather station over a mobile phone network.

The work was carried out by a PH.D candidate from Trinity College Dublin in conjunction with the Marine Institute, Oranmore, County Galway.

The project aimed to interface serial devices to the Internet via the use of gateways and wireless transceivers from the company Digi  International ( The Digi Kit provided was comprised of: 1 x XBee and 2 x XBeePro 802.15.4 Wireless Modules (Series 1) on top of Xbib boards (2 x RS-232 and 1 x USB). A Digi ConnectPort X8 802.15.4 (8775 EU Worldwide) with 16 Mb of RAM Memory and HSDPA capabilities were also provided as the gateway where an http server ran to offer html content with the data obtained from serial devices connected to the Xbib-Xbee modules.

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